Inspection Reports
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) visited St Hugh’s in November 2022 to undertake a combined Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality inspection. St Hugh’s was deemed to be 'excellent' across all categories.
The report is set out in two parts. The first relates to Compliance: the inspection team found that the school meets all applicable standards and requirements with no recommendations for improvement needed (grades are not awarded for this part).
The second part relates to the Educational Quality Inspection, which judges the school and outcomes for pupils across two categories: the Quality of Pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements and Pupils’ Personal Development. We are delighted to report that St Hugh’s was awarded the highest possible grade, ‘excellent’, in both categories.
The inspection was an extremely rigorous process undertaken across three days. In assessing the quality of education and pastoral care provided by the school, the inspection team observed a large number of lessons, scrutinised a range of pupils’ work, and held meetings with pupils, staff and governors. They also looked at the school’s provision for boarding, clubs, sport, IT and the creative arts, and analysed the results of the pre-inspection questionnaires completed by parents, staff and pupils.
The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
- Pupils demonstrate excellent levels of knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum.
- Pupils are highly effective communicators, both orally and in the written work.
- In many subjects, pupils routinely and confidently use their higher order skills to further their learning.
- Pupils approach their learning with maturity and an evident desire to succeed.
The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
- Pupils are self-confident and self-disciplined; they willingly persevere to improve their learning.
- Pupils demonstrate a keen moral awareness and take responsibility for their own behaviour.
- Pupils are highly successful in their independent and collaborative studies.
- Pupils are respectful of each other in keeping with the school’s ethos of care and compassion.
A full copy of the report can be downloaded here: ISI Focused Compliance & Education Quality Inspection Report 2022
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“I am very proud of the report’s findings which reflect the dedication of all our staff in supporting pupils’ achievements and wellbeing as well as the strong partnership between parents and the school.”
Bertrand Leullier, Headmaster
There is a real sense of community amongst the pupils and staff that makes a significant contribution to pupils' personal development.
A palpable sense of belonging and care for others is shown by all pupils.'Independent Schools Inspectorate