School Aims & Values

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St Hugh’s aims to educate all children in an enriching, happy environment, which nurtures the academic potential, mental health and physical wellbeing of every pupil.

St Hugh's is an inclusive school. We aim: 

  • To provide an outstanding academic foundation for all abilities, enabling them to acquire the skills to become self-assured, lifelong, independent learners.
  • To promote a creative and reflective learning environment where all pupils are supported to nurture their individual talents across the whole curriculum.
  • To encourage a readiness and confidence to engage in a wide range of opportunities, whilst approaching new tasks and challenges with resilience.
  • To develop a moral and spiritual awareness in pupils which leads them to value themselves and others as individuals.
  • To prepare our pupils for life beyond St Hugh’s by developing a collective awareness of their roles and responsibilities within the school and the wider community.

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'The St Hugh's pupils we met were a bright, cheery bunch...Children excel in these calm surroundings...

St Hugh’s is a co-educational preparatory school with a clear sense of purpose: to give our pupils a secure educational foundation and the confidence to be adaptable and independent as they prepare for life beyond the school. We aim to give them all the opportunity and encouragement to develop their own interests and talents, while learning to work and play together and to contribute positively to their community.

There is no competitive selection: we both welcome and cater for pupils of a wide range of ability. Our aim is to foster confidence and a love of learning across this range – an outstanding Scholarship and Common Entrance record and the provision of integral learning support both bear testimony to our inclusive approach.


We reflected recently about which values are most important to us as a whole school community and identified six key values which we try to remember and utilise every day.

The trees below demonstrate and expand upon these values, in an age approprite way, for Nursery, Pre-Prep, Middle and Upper School children:

Nursery and Pre-Prep Values Tree


Values Tree for Middle School


Upper School Values Tree


Small classes, spacious modern facilities and glorious surroundings are enough to inspire any child to reach their full potential, and everyone is encouraged to find thier talent.’

The Good Schools Guide

'There is a real sense of community amongst the pupils and staff that makes a significant contribution to pupils' personal development. A palpable sense of belonging and care for others is shown by all pupils.'

Independent Schools Inspectorate