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To ensure that all pupils experience a broad, balanced curriculum.
To help pupils develop an understanding of how information technology is used in the wider context.
To encourage pupils to solve problems through the use of ICT by applying associated principles and techniques.
To allow pupils to experience the range of applications and gain an understanding of their features and limitations.
St Hugh’s benefits from three ICT suites, and an array of iPads and laptops. From Pre-Prep to their final term in school, pupils of St Hugh’s will have discrete lessons in ICT as well as opportunities to use information technology in other classes.
During ICT sessions, students will learn a range of valuable skills as well as exploring diverse topics that apply their skills to real contexts. In the early years, pupils are taught key computer concepts, such as typing and basic computer control. They also use a variety of education programs to support their learning in other areas of the school curriculum.
In Middle School, pupils continue to develop their skills in ICT lessons, and extend their experience in support of their topic work. As children progress through the school, so they learn to develop their skills and employ them widely to more complex tasks. In Upper school, pupils consolidate their learning of productivity tools, such as Office 365, as well as deepening their understanding of the subject of computing. In their final years, students work on integrated tasks, such as designing a computer game and solving real life problems.
Students throughout the school learn coding, design, audio editing and web technologies, as well as investigating how the hardware works. Through after school clubs, many will learn about animation and video effects, as well as having opportunities to explore areas of the curriculum in more depth.
Microsoft Office 365 is the core productivity suite. However, skills are more important than application knowledge, so a variety of other software applications and utilities are used and students are given the opportunity to make choices about the software they use.
By the time students leave St Hugh’s, they are experienced, independent users of ICT. They are able to make decisions about the resources they use for a task and can combine resources to enhance their work. In today’s technologically advancing world, it is vital that students are able to take command of the computer and not hold the machine in awe.
'The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do'. B.F.Skinner