PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) education forms a vital part of the curriculum, through which our pupils acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. Our pupils are given opportunities to explore their attitudes, beliefs, values and aspirations and develop personal skills necessary to manage issues they may encounter in their lives now and in the future. It is an obligatory but non-examined subject which helps to prepare pupils for life outside and beyond St Hugh’s.
The PSHE programme is delivered through the 'Jigsaw’ mindfulness scheme of work. A spiralling curriculum ensures coherent consistency across the school, with children visiting the same topics from different angles to take into account pupils’ increasing maturity in each of the year groups. Pupils develop their awareness, understanding and personal responses to a wide range of topics, including Dreams and Goals, Relationships, Celebrating Difference and Changing Me.
When teaching about political issues and relationships, our teachers are instructed to ensure there is a balanced presentation of different policies, philosophies, views and emotions with particular reference to LGBTQ. As well as PSHE time, Years 5-8 have a 20-minute current affairs session delivered by their form teacher.
In EYFS and Pre-Prep, weekly circle times are held by class teachers and are used to deliver the PSHE programme, while Years 3-8 have allocated timetabled sessions for the programme. Form times are also used throughout the school to address any issues that may have arisen unexpectedly, as well as to discuss topical issues or administrative activities such as electing Form Representatives for the School & Food Councils. Where necessary, additional support is given to children through small group and 1:1 sessions.
In addition to the above, all pupils attend a Wellbeing session six times a year. These sessions are delivered by our own trained staff. Furthermore, Year 7 pupils attend a course of Leadership Training in the Summer Term to prepare them for leadership roles and responsibilities in Year 8.