Aims and Ethos

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Aims and ethos of the boarding community. 

  • We aim to provide each child with an environment in which they can flourish, develop and fulfill their potential whilst staying away from home.
  • The health, safety and well-being of all our children are of paramount importance to every member of staff. All children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability, to ensure a secure and stable environment exists for them. We follow a specific child protection policy in order to ensure their safety in school.
  • We are committed to creating and maintaining a friendly environment that discourages bullying. We deal constructively with any instances which may occur, following a whole school anti-bullying policy. 
  • We aim to promote an open and trusting ethos and to protect each child's right to privacy, dignity, independence and individuality. We believe that each child should be treated fairly. We encourage children to learn to handle a degree of freedom in a responsible way and to behave courteously, honestly and with care and co-operation, thereby enabling them to build positive relationships with each other and with staff. We follow a whole school behaviour and discipline policy which is designed to support the way in which all members of the school live and work together. 
  • As far as possible, we try to make sure that parents feel part of the boarding process, working in partnership with them to ensure that boarders are able to fulfil their potential in all areas of school life. There is a policy in place laying out the procedure to deal with any complaints. 
  • We respect the privacy of children in the bathrooms and dormitories. Children's letters and telephone calls, both incoming and outgoing, are completely without censor. Tuck boxes and individual cupboard space are treated as private. 
  • Inevitably there will be times when children feel under pressure or they are uncertain or worried: we are always ready to listen to them and to try to help them. If anything goes wrong we try to deal with it sympathetically and move on positively. Above all, we aim to make boarding life good fun and the boarding experience a happy one. 
  • We are regularly inspected by ISI who produce a report on the service we provide. Should you have any concerns about the boarding service we provide then you might find it helpful to contact ISI by following this link.