Middle School
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Our aim in Middle School is to build on the experiences of life and education every individual has enjoyed. In a safe, inspirational and encouraging environment, the children in Middle School are given wide and varied opportunities in which to excel. Equipping the children with skills essential to being successful learners throughout life such as independence, resilience, creativity and problem solving, ensures that they are able to apply themselves most effectively to whatever tasks are presented to them and are able to be ambitious in their achievements.
The introduction of setting in both maths and literacy in Middle School further supports the small class sizes in ensuring every child has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. This, combined with a wide range of specialist subject teaching, an excellent PE and Games programme and our Forest School initiative offers all children the best possible opportunities for learning and success.
In Middle School, good behaviour and conduct are important and the children are taught the value of demonstrating these to a high level. Success is very much celebrated and aspired towards, with opportunities to recognise this being frequent and wide ranging, ensuring our children are confident and ambitious whilst modest and supportive.
We look forward to welcoming you into Middle School and facilitating the next part of your child’s exciting journey. Please feel free to contact me or any of the Middle School team, who are always more than willing to offer help and guidance or answer any questions you may have.
Mrs Julia Veness
Head of Middle School
Middle school handbook 2024 - 2025