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Our aim is to provide an excellent start to your child’s education. We believe that nurturing a love of reading and an enthusiasm for learning will establish the firm foundations necessary for future success.
In the Pre-Prep Department, we provide small classes within a caring and friendly environment in which every girl and boy is encouraged and each achievement is recognised. The curriculum is broad and teaching is tailored to meet the needs of the children: academic work and creative play are both central to the Early Years development.
Gradually, we place increasing emphasis on the more formal elements of literacy and numeracy, as well as encouraging the all-round development of each individual. science, history and geography are taught through a creative curriculum. Art, music, ICT, French, sport and drama are also an integral part of the curriculum in the Pre-Prep. All the children have a weekly swimming lesson in our newly opened indoor pool. Regular Forest School and Wellbeing sessions, which are often based on the core curriculum, are enjoyed by all the children in their specially designated sites.
Academic progress is carefully monitored and, where necessary, children are given extra individual tuition. Above all, we encourage children to have confidence in themselves and a curiosity about their world.
The Pre-Prep site is spacious; the children enjoy a large play area incorporating an adventure playground, a sandpit, a wooded area and a large field where the children play freely. In addition, the Reception and Year 1 children have designated areas outside their classrooms which provides further opportunities for learning outdoors.
We offer free supervised wrap around care that ties in with the rest of our school hours and to help working parents. Larks runs from 8-8.15am, Robins from 3.30-4.40pm and Owls from 4.40-5.30pm.
Year 2 children also have the opportunity to attend a wide range of after-school activities which currently include Gardening, Outdoor Art, Zumba, Lego, Book Club, ICT and Cooking.
We have high expectations of behaviour and children are taught to be kind, honest and considerate of others. We prepare each child to meet the exciting challenges of each new stage through Pre-Prep, in Middle School and beyond.
Mrs Jessica Blythe, Head of Pre-Prep & EYFS